OPER,Magazin,oktober 2020: Was macht eigentlich LUCIA ALIBERTIRead More

BRAUNSCHWEIGER ZEITUNG, 10 april 2018: Eine Diva singt Arien zum NiederknienRead More

CORRIERE DELLA SERA, 25 july 2017: Il soprano Lucia Aliberti è stata la guest star del concerto alla Gendarmenmarkt di Berlino, sullo sfondo della Konzerthaus, nel corso del quale le è stato tributato il prestigioso “Bellini d’oro”, premio internazionale che dal 1968 viene assegnato a personalità d spicco del mondo della lirica. “Dedico la serata e il premio alla memoria di mio padre, che non è più tra noi”Read More

BERLINER MORGENPOST, 30 june 2017: Lucia Aliberti feiert ihr 40jähriges BühnenjubiläumRead More

L’OPERA, September 2017: Grande successo al concerto di Lucia Aliberti in Gendarmenmarkt a Berlino….Read more

KLASSIK HEUTE, 3 august 2017: Lucia Aliberti mit dem Premio Internazionale”Bellini d’Oro” ausgezeichnet…Read More

AMADEUS, 24 Agosto 2017: Con il Bellini D’oro ha festeggiato 40 anni di carriera: Lucia Aliberti….Read More

TLM TODA LA MUSICA, 5 august 2017: Lucia Aliberti reina indiscudible del Belcanto quien este 2017 esta cumpliendo 40 anos de exitosa carrera operistica internacional…Read More

MC MUNDO CLASICO, 2 august 2017: Ich bitte,hier jetzt zu verweilen…La primadonnissima Aliberti fue la refulgente estrella de esta maravillosa velada del festival Classic Open Air de la capital alemana…Los agudos y pianissimos de Aliberti fueron magistrales…Read More

BERLINER KURIER, 21 july 2017: Classic Open Air Starsopranistin Aliberti feiert in Berlin Jubilaum…Read More

CLASSIC VOICE, july 2017: Aliberti da 40…il 21 luglio a Berlino,città in cui è cominciata la sua carriera internazionale,Lucia Aliberti,soprano lirico-drammatico di agilità,riceverà il Premio”Bellini d’Oro”…Read More

NEUES DEUTSCHLAND, 21 july 2017: Primadonna kehrt zuruck…Starsopranistin feiert in Berlin ihr 40-jahriges Buhnenjubilaum…Read More

L’OPERA, july/august 2017: Il soprano Lucia Aliberti portavoce di Bellini celebrerà i suoi 40 anni di carriera internazionale il prossimo 21 luglio 2017 a BerlinoRead More

BZ BERLINER ZEITUNG, July 21 – 2017: Belcanto-Musik der großen Gefühle….Read more

I VESPRI, 12 august 2017: Bellini d’Oro consegnato a Berlino al soprano Lucia Aliberti….Read More

TLM TODA LA MUSICA, june 2017: La magnifica soprano italiana Lucia Aliberti,de técnica vocal superlativa y fuerte presencia  escénica ,celebra  40 anos de carrera internacional con un gran concierto en Berlin donde recibira el Premio “Bellini d’Oro”…Primadonna assoluta del repertorio belcantistico…Read More

GIORNALE DI SICILIA, 29 july 2017: Siciliani’s Karma  il soprano Lucia Aliberti..più di 3.500 persone l’hanno applaudita a Berlino dove ha ricevuto il Premio”Bellini d’Oro”…Read More

BERLINER KURIER, 20 july 2017: Starsopranistin Lucia Aliberti feiert in Berlin ihr 40-jahriges Buhnenjubilaum…Read More

LA SICILIA, 23 july 2017: Berlino oltre 3.500 persone ad applaudire il concerto di Lucia Aliberti che ha celebrato i 40 anni di carriera alla quale è stato consegnato il prestigioso Premio Bellini d’Oro….Read More

TLM TODA LA MUSICA, 21 august 2017: Lucia Aliberti y arias de Verdi, en su época de las galeras…Read More

MUNDOCLASICO DISCOS, 25 Agosto 2017: Cuando Verdi era Galeote….Read more

NEUE PASSAUER NACHRICHTEN, 30 June 16: The hour of the Queens. Vesselina Kararova and Lucia Aliberti were celebrated at the Festival European Weeks in Passau for their recital of extra class . Both were in perfect harmony. In highlights of Belcanto of secular and sacred music…Read More

ASSODIGITALE, MAGAZINE on-line, September 2016: Il Soprano Lucia Aliberti: l’emozione ha una voce…Read More

TZ, 13 June 2015…Read More

ABENDZEITUNG, 12 June 2015: Die bella donna aus Sizilien hat Charme und Stimme und durch die intime Atmosphäre des Saals kamen die Zuschauer dem Star viel näher als bei grossen Konzertbühnen möglich ist…Read More

BILD MUNCHEN, 12 June 2015:…Read More


MELOMANO, La revista de música clásica, Numero 202. Noviembre 2014/2015: – L’eterna eroina Belcantista…Read More

ONE MAGAZINE, 2014/2015: – Lucia Aliberti. Una voce, una storia…Read more

BZ, Berlins Grösste. Zeitung. 2 april 2014: Traf Super-Primadonna Lucia Aliberti vor ihrer Konzert-Gala in der Philharmonie. Als ich den Papst sah, musste ich ihn einfach küssen…Read More

“PRIMADONNISSIMA “, Sixt Magazine 2014:…Read More 

GRAMOPHONE, Classical Mucic Awards 2013, october 2013: EARLY VERDI ARIAS FROM the SICILIAN DRAMATIC SOPRANOLucia Aliberti is exactly the right soprano to tap the lyrical power of Verdis vocal writing. In a well-chosen collection of arias that welcome the filigree puritiy of her voice. She delivers expressive elements and vocal fireworks as all of a piece. Often, young Verdi seemed to expect multiple vocal types of within the same aria. Aliberti suggests that he knew exactely what he was doing, seconded by Oleg Caetani’s alert conducting. (David Patrick Stearns, Gramophone, october 20 13)…Read More

MELOMANO, Classical Music Magazine, Noviembre 2014/2015: Lucia Aliberti “Early Verdi Arias” Discos Recomendados…Read More

MUSICWEB INTERNATIONAL, 13 november 2013: Early Arias-Giuseppe Verdi…Read More

KRONEN ZEITUNG, 12 november 2013: Sixt-Kinderhilfe fur Taifun-Opfer. Klassik-Stars im Steffl…Read More

 6 Settembre 2013: Lucia Aliberti: il soprano celebra Verdi nel primo concerto in Auditorium….Read More

CORRIERE DELLA SERA september 21, 2013: A MILANO L’INAUGURAZIONE DELLA STAGIONE L’ORCHESTRA VERDI NEL NOME DI DELMAN. Protagonisti l’eletta vocalista Lucia Aliberti e il Maestro Jader Bignamini, il miglior verdiano al mondo al di sotto dei 50 anni, hanno conquistato un pubblico autenticamente milanese, entusiasta e competente. (Paolo Isotta, Corriere della Sera)…Read More 

FINANCIAL TIMES August 8, 2013: Verdi-Early arias – Lucia Aliberti (Challenge Classics)Lucia Aliberti sings 21 top-notch arias from 12 Verdi operas.
This CD it’s the best Verdi disc to come my way this year and deserves its attractive packaging. With alert accompaniments conducted by Oleg Caetani, Aliberti sings 21 top-notch arias from 12 operas, many of them lesser-known and all showcasing her majestic coloratura. (Andrew Clark, Financial Times)…Read More

CORRIERE DELLA SERA september 18, 2013: VIVA (LA) VERDI. Lucia Aliberti che ha cantato nei teatri più grandi del mondo dice “il dialogo artistico con la Verdi rappresenta uno dei momenti più intensi, ed è un grande onore inaugurare il ventennale dell’Orchestra con il Maestro Bignamini.” (Enrico Parola, Corriere della Sera)….Read More

L’ESPRESSO Sep 19, 2013: PASSIONI “Due vite per un soprano”, la cantante Lucia Aliberti inaugura la stagione della Verdi di Milano (Riccardo Lenzi, L’Espresso)…Read More

VIVI MILANO-CORRIERE DELLA SERA Sep 19, 2013: RUSPANTE QUESTO VERDI GIOVANILE“Lucia Aliberti, timbro inconfondibile, è un’artista tenace, in oltre trent’anni di carriera è rimasta fedele a un preciso repertorio belcantistico anche a costo di rinuncie clamorose” (Gian Mario Benzing, Vivi Milano-Corriere della Sera)…Read More

L’OPERA Sep 2013: EARLY VERDI ARIAS – L’ANGOLO DEL COLLEZIONISTA“Lucia Aliberti, voce particolare per timbro e colore, grazie alla tecnica eccellente…non solo supera le difficoltà dei diversi brani ma può approdare ad una interpretazione coinvolgente … alla cantante si aggiunte l’artista con il suo vivo senso della frase e della parola. (Giancarlo Landini, L’Opera)…Read More

IL GIORNO Sep 18, 2013: LUCIA ALIBERTI CANTA VERDI, I TRE GIORNI DEL CIGNO DI BUSSETOHa tenuto concerti davanti a re e pontefici, canterebbe Verdi all’infinito, anche dopo tutti i bicentenari festeggiati quest’anno. Il soprano Lucia Aliberti, stella internazionale del belcanto, ritorna all’auditorium di largo Mahler con l’Orchestra sinfonica Verdi. Sul podio Jader Bignamini. Nel segno dei 200 anni di Verdi danno il via al ventesimo anno della Verdi. (Luca Salvi, Il Giorno)…Read More


WESTDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG, 13 Mai 2013: Primadonna mit Ang zur Dramatik…Read More



BADISCHE NEUESTE NACHRICHTEN. 12 December 2012: Concert at Festspielhaus Baden-Baden: “Lucia Aliberti thrilled in the slow passages sung with utmost perfection in which she played off the slightly dark color of her soprano wonderfully. Later, they also showed, however, that she has an incredibly high volume, with which she can easily turn from a tender, lyrical to a powerful, dramatic soprano…Read More

BADISCHES TAGBLATT. 12 December 2012: Charming and with sparkling coloratura. Lucia Aliberti in the Festspielhaus. “Maybe Lucia Aliberti is the last representative of a endangered compartment of the Belcanto primadonna: A singer who can already with the elegance of her appearance attract an audience in its spell. The belcanto roles with their immense coloratura demands they coped confidently and in superior style with beautiful piani and secure high notes.”…Read More

FESTSPIELHAUS BADEN-BADEN. Dec 8, 2012 “Maybe Lucia Aliberti is the last representative of a endangered compartment of the Belcanto primadonna.”

GBOPERA, Opera Magazine. December 12, 2012…Read More

RHEINISCHE POST, Feb. 28, 2012: Opera diva Lucia Aliberti im Philharmonischen Konzert…Read More

WAZ. March 2, 2012 Dirigent wird zum Duett-Partner… Read more

VIENNA JULY 2012 Soprano Lucia Aliberti Guest Star at “Fete Imperiale,Opern SommerBall”

GBOpera Opera Magazine. July 5, 2012….Read more

CAPRI DECEMBER 2012: Soprano Lucia Aliberti Capri Festival Guest Star is prized with Art Award Gazzetta del Sud. December 28, 2012…Read more

MITTELDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG, April 11 2011: Der italienische Opernstar Lucia Aliberti fühlt sich neben der Händelbüste richtig wohl….Read more

OPERA DIVA SPEAKS ON BEAUTY AND TRADITION.( The Epoch Times New York Edition. November 20, 2011 )…Read more

TIMES, MALTA INAUGURAL CONCERT AT THE MANOEL – Oct. 5, 2011 She has developed in one of the best singers-actors in the business. She exhibited her technical abilities, including her use of the diverse registeres and her good breathing control….Read more

GAZZETTA DEL SUD, May 29, 2011: Soprano Lucia Aliberti “To sing in S.Peter for Pope Wojtyla is an incredible thrill I would keep in my heart forever.”…Read more

DER TAGESSPIEGEL, July 2010: “Lucia Aliberti impresses with agility and technical flexibility and her stage presence is enormous”



BRAUNSCHWEIGER ZEITUNG, 19 May 2010: Neue Ministerin trifft Operndiva und Pianisten…Read more


NRZ NEUE RUHR ZEITUNG,dezember 2009:Wenn die Poerndiva zun Mitklatschen ladt”Luycia Aliberti sorgte Stimmung und Stimmungsvolles”….Read more

EL COMERCIO, NORMA IN LIMA – March 30, 2010…Read more

WELT HAMBURG LAEISZHALLE GALA CONCERT – March 19, 2009: Sizilianische Primadonna in Rosen-Robe…Read more

HAMBURGER ABENDBLATT, 21.3.09: Hamburger Abendblatt Goose-skin! The sicilian Diva beats the high expectations. Great acclaim. Aliberti impresses with the beauty of her voice, the phrasing and the creation of the charakters. Coloraturas even in the highest regions are precise and well placed…Read more

DIE WELT, 21.3.09: Enthusiatic acclamations, standing ovations! Queen of Belcanto.”

HAMBURGER MORGENPOST, 21.3.09: Admiration of a Primadonna. Pure happiness and gold, this timbre and the inspiring magic of her voice.

MANNHEIM, NATIONALTHEATER – DONIZETTI, MARIA STUARDA – March 7, 2009 Belcanto in Reinkultur. Lucia Aliberti, eine absolut authentische Vertreterin des frühromantischen, italienischen Opernrepertoires, profilierte sich mit bravorös angelegten Koloraturen als Meisterin des virtuosen Ziergesangs und erzielte subtile Wirkungen durch hauchzarte Pianissimo-Töne in hohen und höchster Lage. Sie setzte auf wechselnde Dynamik und raffinierte Farbnuancen. Überdies gestaltete sie das Lamento der schottischen Königin höchst sensibel und nahm durch den Glanz ihrer durchschlagskräftigen Stimme für sich ein. (Rheinpfalz, 9.3.09) “Die Maria Stuarda ist für Lucia Aliberti so etwas wie eine Leib- und Seelenrolle. Noten brauchte sie als einzige keine bei dieser konzertanten Aufführung, sang und spielte mit einer Unbedingtheit, die stark unter die Haut ging. Mit grösster Präsenz steigerte sie sich hinein in ihre Rolle, durchlebte ihre wechselnden Seelenzustände zwischen Stolz und Selbstaufgabe, Hass und entrückten Todesvisionen mit stärkster Intensität. Dabei entwickelte die Sopranistin eine stimmliche Meisterschaft, die man in den letzten Jahren selten erleben konnte. Spinnwebfeine Pianissimi, berückend schwebende, ätherisch zarte Töne servierte sie neben Koloraturen, die wie aus einem Faden gesponnen schienen. Und dazu eine Belcantotechnik, die heute nicht mehr viele Sängerinnen so begnadet beherrschen wie die italienische Sopranistin. Bezwingend in der Phrasierung, vollkommen in der Balance zwischen Virtuosität und Ausdruck. (Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, 9.3.09)

LUDWIGSHAFEN, FEIERABENDHAUS – Feb. 23, 2008 Queen of Belcanto. Triumph of a Diva. Lucia Aliberti took the hearts by storm. Standing Ovations. Lucia Aliberti shows very rare quality of voice. The dark, velvet colour with its compact, sonor center was immediately very present and showed also the dramatic potential. Plus the shining glance of the high notes in the unique manner of a Primadonna in grand style. A chapter of its own is the incredible technique of the singer in clear Belcanto-style. Her mastery was demonstrated impressively in the aria of Elvira in Verdis „Ernani“ and even more so in the mad scene of Donizettis „Lucia di Lammermoor“. She faszinated the audience with her touching beautiful colours of pianissimo and her refined shades of notes. “ (Gabor Halasz, Rheinpfalz, 25.2.08)

ESSEN, PHILHARMONIE – March 25, 2007 She came, she sang, she conquered. An evening of superlatives: Lucia Aliberti received standing ovations in the Philharmonie in Essen. We sang with Lucia Aliberti. Franz Lehár’s Vilja song. And the audience was the choir. As for Lucia Aliberti, who without any sign of strain whatsoever had sung one aria after the other, her voice simply soared into the heights. This performance in the Essen Philharmonie was a spectacular one. Lucia Aliberti demonstrated admirably that she remains one of the last Prima donnas. Especially in terms of vocal style and stylistic difficulties. When we talk today about new singers entering the business, and of just how much alacrity is practiced by an ever-present media, we should never lose sight of a voice like this. Her piano is a real piano. And we never had the feeling that she was being condescending in any way – at least this was our impression, even after the plethora of encores that followed an enormously demanding programme. By that stage she had delivered her bravura arias: Bellini’s Norma und Donizetti’s Lucia, works she rendered in this fragile world of ours in a way that only Callas had done before her. Here we are not dealing with bel canto as just beautiful singing, but with the subtle art as a mirror of the state of the soul. She had also brought along Verdi’s “Aroldo”, Cilea’s “Adriana Lecouvreur”, Donizetti’s “Maria Stuarda” and Bellini’s “Beatrice di Tenda”. Lucia Aliberti loves these women, women who suffer and fall in love, and are closer to madness than to life sometimes. She manages with her incredible soprano voice and her deep knowledge about the line itself, to define cadences in musical space and to project within a short aria a well-contoured character. Never is the atmosphere rigid or cold; and no sense or sterility or matter-of-factness crops up. What this artist gives us in terms of concentration and security in the high tessituras, as well as regarding plasticity of line and inner dramaturgy, is exactly that which – if you will allow – younger women can not bring across. At least not with this elegance of phrasing or dynamic nuance. Add to this heady mix Johannes Wildner: he and his Neue Philharmonie Westfalen were in top form indeed, particularly in the overtures. He conducted, as it were, on bended knee, acknowledging the greatness of this Sicilian prima donna, kissing her – metaphorically – and taking her into his heart. In musical terms, he was head over heels in love. The audience responded with thunderous applause. Aliberti handed out one musical present after another, encores without end. And in the Vilja song, as we hummed along to the tune, the Philharmonie in Essen became a veritable community of song. Michael Stenger (Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung. March 27, 2007)

IL GIORNO – Lucia Aliberti “Ho baciato il Papa” …Read more

DRESDEN, SEMPEROPER – July 12, 2006: Glory of belcanto. Bravi for Lucia Aliberti. A demonstration, what perfect belcanto is all about. Describing this voice is not possible without superlatives. Her piano with magical force is like a wonder. Even with fastest tempi she can sing coloraturas very soft und still every note is without delay very present. In a fast sequence of tones in the middle-range she throws a top note in the air like a ball and can immediately return to the register she came from. She apparently does this effortless and with a never ending volume of breath. A true firework in the art of singing (Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten, 14.7.06)

BONN, BEETHOVENHALLE – January 29, 2006: Lucia Aliberti received storms of enthusiam. So many bravissimi were hardly ever heard in the sold out Beethovenhalle. (Bonner Rundschau, January 31st, 2006)

GENERALANZEIGER BONN, Jan. 31, 2006: “A Gala of coloratura.” Heart and voice of Lucia Aliberti belong to the italian belcanto. Amazing vocal artistic. Beautiful, touching, breathtaking.“

RHEINISCHER MERKUR, GERMANY, July 7, 2005: The times of the Divas seem to be over. Young singers take more examples of pop-starlets, when it comes to the question of how to present themselves in public. What a pleasure that one does not go at all into that direction. When Lucia Aliberti enters on stage, the great world of opera of ancient times also comes into the house. And exactely this attitude enables her to evoke a Norma or a Lucia di Lammermoor to a complete new life, with the power of her clear, dramatic soprano, her way of singing the lines of belcanto with her unique timbre. She sings the bravour-arias of Belcanto again with passion and depth. She takes evrything antique away from the Belcanto, because she surrounds the music with the magic that is was created with. Und because Lucia Aliberti never



OPER,Magazin,oktober 2020: Was macht eigentlich LUCIA ALIBERTIRead More

BILD AM SONNTAG,13 September 2020:Stars and KulturRead More

ORA MAGAZINE, 13 february 2019: Una carriera memorabileRead More

BRAUNSHWEIGER ZEITUNG, 23 march 2018: Belcanto-Star Lucia Aliberti mit Disziplin zur Schonheit….Read More

CHI MAGAZINE, 29 Novembre 2017: “Chi” intervista in esclusiva il celebre soprano, insignito di un premio per il quarantennale del suo debutto, l’hanno voluta papi, sovrani e molti politici….Read More

AMADEUS, 24 Agosto 2017: Con il Bellini D’oro ha festeggiato 40 anni di carriera: Lucia Aliberti….Read More

GALA MAGAZINE10 august 2017: Eine große Ehre und riesige Freude für Opernstar Lucia Aliberti: Zum 40-jährigen Bühnenjubiläum erhielt die Sopranistin den’ renommierten Musikpreis “Bellini d’Oro”….Read more 

MUSICA attualitàSettembre 2017: Lucia Aliberti si racconta….Read more 

TLM TODA LA MUSICA,  14 july 2017: Berlin honra a la primadonnissima Lucia Aliberti…la carismatica soprano italiana primadonnissima assoluta del belcanto sera honrada el proximo 21 de julio en Berlin con el Premio Bellini d’Oro,tras 40 anos de exitosa carrera operistica internacional…Read More

L’OPERA, july/august 2017: Il soprano Lucia Aliberti portavoce di Bellini celebrerà i suoi 40 anni di carriera internazionale il prossimo 21 luglio 2017 a BerlinoRead More

CHANEQUE Revista del 4 al 11 de octubre 2017: Lucia Aliberti celebò 40 anos de carrera y recibiò el “Premio Internacional Golden Bellini”….Read More

GALA MAGAZINE, 6 july 2017: Lucia Aliberti  steht  seit  40 jahren  auf der Buhne.Fur GALA erinnert  sich die”Lady Belcanto”  an ganz  besondere Momente.…Read more

ML MUNDOCLASICO , 21 june 2017: Berlin celebra los 40 anos  de carrera internacional de Lucia Aliberti…Read more

GBOPERA, july 2017: Lucia Aliberti celebra i suoi 40 anni di carriera internazionale e riceve il Premio”Bellini d’Oro”…Read more

VOGLIO VIVERE COSI’, 5 july 2017: Lucia Aliberti,soprano di fama internazionale,celebra i 40 anni di carriera e festeggia a Berlino…Read more

LA SICILIA , 14 july 2017: Lucia Aliberti,diva della lirica che disse no a Von Karajan festeggia i 40 anni in scena…Read more

MUSICA ,Magazine Musica Classica,17 july 2017: 40 anni di carriera per Lucia Aliberti….Read More

TWM THE WAY MAGAZINE, 15 july 2017 Lucia Aliberti per i 40 anni di carriera internazionale riceverà il Premio”Bellini d’Oro”.  ….Read more

TOPSALUTE, july/August 2017 :Lucia Aliberti celebra il 21 luglio a Berlino in occasione di un Concerto alla Gendarmenmarkt,i suoi 40 anni di carriera e riceve il prestigioso “Bellini d’Oro”….Read more

MELOMANO, Classical Music Magazine, noviembre 2014/2015: Lucia Aliberti,la eterna heroina belcantista…Read More

CENTONOVE Press, Settimanale di Politica, Cultura, Economia, 5 Settembre 2017: Lucia Aliberti….Read more

EVAEXPRESS RUBRICHE, 19 july 2017 Lucia Aliberti,quest’anno celebrerà i suoi 40 anni di carriera internazionale il 21 luglio 2017 a Berlino,Guest Star del Concerto alla Gendarmenmarkt ….Read more

CRESCENDO, Marz 2013: Das Magazin fur klassische Musik, Interview….Read More

OHLA MAGAZINE, PARIS, “Lucia Aliberti chante pour le Prince Charles d’Angleterre  à Paris” – Gala UNESCO ….Read more

ONE MAGAZINE, january 2014/2015 Lucia Aliberti: una voce, una storia. …Read more 

GO SIXT MAGAZINE, 2014: Myway Primadonnissima….Read More

KURIER, Stars & Kultur 30.06.12: Fête Impériale Lucia Aliberti: “Sommernachts­traum in Lila-Gelb”….Read more

TIMESOFMALTA.COM, Oct 5, 2011: She was in complete control of every note she sang, her technique is unbelievable. Those top notes, firm and clear she was dazzling as ever in coloratura. And what a clean-cut, incisive performance of Casta Diva. Standing Ovation….Read more

NRW SOLINGEN RP ONLINE, 5 April 2011: Ein Star ohne Allüren….Read more

BUNTE Magazine, july 2009: DIVA  Ohne Diven “Opernstar Lucia Aliberti”….Read More

DIVA AWARDS, 27 january 2009: Lucia Aliberti, Guest Star….Read more

BUNTE Magazine, 26 ockober 2008: First Lady Eva Kohler dankte Sopranistin Lucia Aliberti und mahnte “Schenkt Hoffnung”….Read More

DIVA E DONNA MAGAZINE  the listeners her own secret, she gives opera back from what opera lives – the imagination. …Read more

GOLDEN FEDER ,18 mai 2006 “Starsopranistin Lucia Aliberti kam in einem pink-farbenen Traum von Escada”….Read More



CHI MAGAZINE, November 2000: Grande successo per il Gala tedesco dell’Unesco con il soprano Lucia Aliberti….Read more

GLORIA MAGAZINE, Zagreb, “Lucia Aliberti Sicilijanska Maria Callas” ….Read more

CHI MAGAZINE …Read more 

NOTICIAS, 29 december 2005: Lucia Aliberti – Entrega Unesco la medalla de oro Mozart a Su Alteza Pricipe de Gales….Read more


IL GIORNO, “Premio Callas alla Aliberti miss Rigore della lirica” ….Read More

GRANDHOTEL, 18 Settembre 2013: UNA SPLENDIDA GIORNATA Sarà lei la “guest star” della stagione lirica milanese, dopo aver incantato anche i principi Carlo d’Inghilterra e Alberto di Monaco e Papa Wojtyla….Read more


WEBHEIBON.JP TOKYO, JAPAN, May 5, 2013: ….Read more




Lucia Aliberti – “Una voce poco fa”
Lucia Aliberti, C. Gounod “Je veux vivre”